Due to the agreement of UR negotiation and embarkment of WTO, the era of infinite competition throughout the world comes across also in the field of agriculture. In order to cope with the difficult situation for agricultural areas and to enhance the competitive power of agricultural fields, fostering elite members leading the development of agriculture becomes the urgent need. Therefore, Korea National Agricultural College rearing professional farm managers was established according to the proposal of Agriculture and Fishery Development Committee, the presidential advisory organ.
Brief History
Jun. 06, 1994. Decision of establishment of Korea National Agricultural College for the counter plan of agricultural and fishery development
Jul. 27, 1995. Enactment of the establishment law (the presidential decree; No.14742) of Korea National Agricultural College
Feb. 22, 1996. Enactment of the college organization
Sep. 16, 1996. Enactment of the college regulation
Mar. 20, 1997. The opening of Korea National Agricultural College
Feb. 23, 2000. The 1st Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 22, 2001. The 2nd Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 22, 2002. The 3rd Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 21, 2003. The 4th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 20, 2004. The 5th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 22, 2005. The 6th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 22, 2006. The 7th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 22, 2007. The 8th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 21, 2008. The 9th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 20, 2009. The 10th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 19, 2010. The 11th Graduation Ceremony
Apr. 08, 2011. The 12th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 17, 2012. The 13th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 15, 2013. The 14th Graduation Ceremony
Mar. 27, 2014. The 15th Graduation Ceremony
Apr. 24, 2015. The 16th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 19, 2016. The 17th Graduation Ceremony
Apr. 14, 2017. The 18th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 23, 2018. The 19th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 15, 2019. The 20th Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 14, 2020. The 21st Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 19, 2021. The 22nd Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 18, 2022. The 23rd Graduation Ceremony
Feb. 17, 2023. The 24rd Graduation Ceremony
Educational Aim
Professional farm managers with strong occupational mind.
Professional farm managers with field-oriented knowledge, technology and managerial ability.
Professional farm managers with international view.
Professional farm managers leading the agricultural development and rural communities.
Educational Direction
Improvement of powers to take initiatives against changes of agricultural situations.
Enhancement of apprehensive and applicable powers on basic principles.
Fostering capacities on handling agricultural machines, high-tech facilities, equipments and post-harvesting skills.
Education of production skills considering environmental pollution.
Reinforcement of management and marketing training necessary for the era of commercial agriculture.
Field-oriented education.
Intensive utilization of professional farm managers and specialists in research institutes.
Reinforcement of comprehensive and practical education through field training.
Fostering creativity and confidence through farm planning education which integrates subject studies and field experiences.
Operation of integrated curriculum centered on each specialty.
Students choosing specialties independently with their own desire.
Integrated education on production, storage, processing, marketing and management in each specialty.
Education in preparation for globalization.
Fostering students to have international view through foreign language practice and overseas training.
Inspiring occupational minds and fostering leaderships through special lectures on cultural subjects, dormitory life, and extra-curricula activities.
Admission Requirements
- High school graduates recommended by principal of high school, mayor of city, country chief or
director of rural guidance office.
- Those who are meeting the above requirements and serving in the army
including industrial technicians have to be expected for discharge from military service before March
1st of that year.
Admission Quorum: 570 students
Education pursuing an idol of young farmers
- Discussion-Oriented lecture method to improve the educational effect.
Selection: Emphasis on the intention and possibility of farming
- The 1st selection: Evaluation of the student record in high school, individual farm scale, letter of
recommendation and letter of self-introduction.
- The 2nd selection: Examination in basic knowledge and interview with the
An additional benefit : Graduates from agri-related high school, those who have certificates of national
qualification in agri-related fields, applicants who have completed military services, women applicants
or graduates from junior colleges or universities are given an additional benefit.
Special Grant and Obligation
- Special Grant : All students boarding in dormitory, full government scholarships for registration and
tuition, recognition of graduation certificate of junior college and financial support for farm
- Obligation : Farming over a double period of the total scholastic years after graduation.
- Graduated or expected to graduate from high school
- 2 Departments (Food Crops, Horticulture)
- Adaptation Program : Korean Language Education & Cultural Experience Program
- On-Campus Education : Major & General Courses
- Field Work Program : Short-term Training in the winter vacation +
One-year Field Training Program in 155 farms and institutions
Admission Schedule
Educational Benefits
- Full Support for Tuition, Field Training, Airfare, Health Insurance,
Language Education, Meals and Accomodation.
- Contact GAEC(Global Agricultural Education Center) for more information.
- (GAEC) +82 63-238-9772
- (GAEC) +82 63-238-9774
Steering Committee
Faculty Meeting Personnel Committee
Dept.of Food Crops
Dept.of Medicinal & Industrial Crops
Dept.of Mushroom
Dept.of Vegetable Crops
Dept.of Fruit Tree
Dept.of Floriculture
Dept.of Horticulture Environment System
Dept.of Forestry
Dept.of Landscape Architecture
Dept.of Beef Science
Dept.of Dairy Science
Dept.of Swine Science
Dept.of Poultry Science
Dept.of Horse Industry
Department of Industrial Entomology
Dept.of Aquaculture
Dept.of Agriculture & Fisheries Processing
Dept.of Agriculture and Fisheries Business
Dept.of General Education
Academic & Student
Affair Division
Academic & Student Affairs
Planning & Coordination Team
Planning & Coordination Affairs
General Service Division
General & Administrative Affairs
Affiliated Facility
Student Welfare Facility
Experimental Farm Facility Agricultural Engineering CenterAgricultural Machinery WorkshopPractical Training CenterPractical Education Center for Food CropsPractical Education Center for Industrial CropsPractical Education Center for MushroomPractical Education Center for Fruit TreePractical Education Center for Forestry & Landscape ArchitecturePractical Education Center for Swine & Poultry SciencePractical Education Center for Beef & Dairy SciencePractical Education Center for Horse IndustryPractical Education Center for FloriculturePractical Education Center for AquacultureLab. for processing & Foods of agricultural products
Practical Agriculture and Fisheries Research Institute
Education Center of Information
Business Incubator
Lifelong Education center
Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation
Address: Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries,
1515, Kongjwipatjwi-ro, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do 560-500, Republic of Korea